25/7/2006 23:45I like it []
Congratulations on a great web site. I am a new computer user and finding you was like coming home. Continued success.

19/10/2003 03:19Joyce Horn []
I am searching for relitives , my Grandmother was Hedwig Blaha she married Wilhelm Horak . Are these names known to you ?

19/2/2003 02:20jan blaha []
yes, I also am named jan blaha! I have a website
I sell real estate in Arizona, and also am an artist. I married Ernie Blaha in 1992, and his ancestors are from Chec. I find your drawings and paintings wonderful. Please write back.

28/1/2003 17:01Tiffany []
Hi Jan, we met about 3 weeks ago on the bridge when you generously gave me one of your etchings as a memento. I am a true admirer of your work and I enjoyed our conversation that day on the bridge. Thank you very much and keep in contact!

11/8/2002 12:22Ronny & Angela []
Hi Jan, I don't know if you remember us but we're the ones who bought your mezzotint painting "My Way" from you at the bridge. I already know I won't regret it for a single day. Your other work is fantastic as well especially "Heaven's Gate" and "Pretty River". Thank you very much for letting your work hang on my wall.
R & A

24/7/2002 02:25frank sinatra [---]
You seem to get tortured by your personal nightmares quite often :) Keep up good work!

11/6/2002 14:04Roman Kloska []
nejvíce se mi líblí Dívka s smrt, i když to není moc depresivní, jak by se podle názvu zdálo. Přeji hodně úspěchů.

9/6/2002 03:26Rod Steiger []
what to say ? very cool ..

10/7/2002 14:59Lenka []